Friday, December 31, 2010

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

Hope this finds those reading well and ready for another new year.

Well, it has been just about a month since I posted anything.  December was a very busy month for me.  We had family in from California and Hawaii for an early Christmas so when all was said and done, we celebrated Christmas 3 times.  It was good to see the kids and grandkids from California and Hawaii.  Our whole family got together on the 19th and when all was said and done we are now 40+ strong.  WOW!

When my daughter and grandson drove in with me and my son and daughter-in-law flew in making it just before they closed the Cleveland Airport on Dec 26th due to the storm on the east coast arrived it was 23 degrees and 2+ feet of snow in Northeast Ohio.  Today, it is 50 degrees and the snow is melting.  But by Sunday the snow will be back with the cold weather.  I remember why I live in Texas.  The sun has only been out 1 day since we arrived.  I have found myself stepping out the door to catch a few rays when it peeks out from behind the clouds.

I am working the newest D2D stamp while here.  I hope I can get it done to post before leaving Monday to start the trip back to Texas with a layover in south Ohio to visit more family.


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